Documents Project
The Documents Project, formerly known as Doco-Com, is responsible for creating and maintaining useful resource documentation for the Undernet community. Both new and experienced IRC users will find information here on everything from downloading an IRC client to explanation of the various protocols.
Posted on 18th Jun 2020 08:00:08 in #Help Articles
Some say "these are silly guys wasting their time". Some say "thanks a lot dude". Some say "f**k you". Who are these so called helpers? Well - as you will read in the following opinions ALL are nice people trying to make this virtual world better. Some of them made a hobby of helping others. And that's awesome I can say. So if you ever get help from such a person don't forget to give back a "thank you". It's the best way you can show the respect for them and for their time they spend helping users. Anyone can start helping as long as they give the right answer (or one of the right answers). One also needs the right attitude and know how to "work" with people. I have gathered here opinions of several people around help channels, some opers and some cservice admins. Also a special man to Undernet, Simba - Undernet Webmaster. I want to thank to ALL those that helped me out with their opinions (thanks a lot - without your help this article wouldn't have been possible). Also special thanks to Gaia^ and thee. Have a nice reading and don't forget: Helping may not be a very easy, but saying a "thank you" is not hard at all :)
Regards, AngelRO
These are the people that answered the questions:
- Help:
Elm,Eenie,jail,Primus,c-wolf - Ayuda:
Morfeo, Truenos - Ajutor:
tomMytee, ColdAsIce - Cservice:
Kogito, Mervin, Wolfyx, FunX - Cservice admins:
xplora, thee, intoit - Dmsetup:
Chip,YounGun - Helpchan:
Cyrux,lemuel - Ircayuda:
ElRuSsO,Scombr0 - Nastrand:
Dracon,CybeRocK - Mirchelp:
Eenie - Opers:
gaia^, netforce, frozn - Others:
simba - Report-abuse:
sygate,ZimaBlue - Userguide:
Jay`z , mwx - Usernames:
[Rosters] , LuCkYaN - Zt:
WebCat, Xeno - ...and many others
Nickname: | elm |
Username: | elm |
Hobbies: | Amateur radio, growing orchids, IRC on |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I first started using internet in 1994. And of course I discovered mIRC and wanted to try IRC. I discovered Dalnet and . I think I connected to Dalnet about twice and that was enough of that. I continued to connect to and have so to this day. I don't even have other networks listed on my IRC client. In those early days, I was often in #mirc and #cservice like all new lost users of IRC. I was an op in a few channels and was owner of a registered channel. Sometime in 1995, I discovered help mail list. I started answering questions on the list and AngelLV the list manager did not run me off. I also discovered #help and drifted into there slowly answering questions and getting chewed out by snapdad. I was selected as an op in #help and have been connected with the channel every since. I am now the manager of help mail list and the manager of #help. I was given help when I first started and I enjoy helping others. I put in as much time supporting help mail and #help as I can. | |
Other Comments: | |
Our philosophy is you don't have to be an op to help people. It takes a long hard time to gain access on #help. However, we hope the people that do get access are some of the best and most knowledgeable ops in a help channel on any IRC network. |
Nickname: | Eenie |
Username: | Eenie91 |
Hobbies: | Computers, volunteering, swimming and tennis, to name a few. |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
almost 9 years ago, I started hanging out in help channels to learn more about mIRC, IRC, Undernet and computers when I was a newbie. After overcoming my shyness and gaining some confidence, I began helping with things I had learned. I have never forgotten what it was like being new and being helped by more experienced users. I still think that is what the Internet is about, helping each other and sharing our experiences and knowledge with others. | |
Other Comments: | |
I was lucky enough to be chosen channel manager of #mIRCHelp back in early 1998 when the original channel manager could no longer serve as channel manager. I also enjoy opping in #mIRC and #Help on Undernet. I have written and posted quite a few help pages for people to learn both about Undernet and mIRC. I also enjoy moderating on the Undernet Forum. |
Nickname: | Jail |
Username: | jail |
Hobbies: | Help |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Well - one day back in 1995 my son came home from highschool - and told me about a network, and how fun it was "I don't care" was my answer - I had enough in the BBS ( bulletin board system ) - but it was expensive. Some time after he came and told me about a guy from USA - who wanted to talk to me - so I followed him to the scholl where they had internet - that guy had relatives in Denmark, his grandfather had immigrated from Denmark, named Villadsen - and that family still lives in the same place, his grandfather changed his name to Willadson, it was easier over there - and again to Wilson, - MY god I had fun - I was sitting there mostly alone with the small computer like Oric and Amstrad - and the old Commodore 64 - I had just bought a 386 computer a powerwork - but the internet was still expensive - well a 14.4 kbps modem and a call - and I was on Undernet - but did not understand a word - never learned English at school - that Wilson - and Pamiii - Farmer - in #Cheers taught me English - it was expensive to learn - $1 per hour - some split out of #cheers - and we were given #5 and we had it for lots of years - in 1996 - or 1997 - can't recall it - I was trying my luck in #help - and got kick after kick - "rules" was the answer - and well here I am still after these years - lots of people see me like I would be here all 24 hours, but I'm not - but as retired I have the time to be here a lot of time - and do kick after kick- and say "rules". And have a feeling, that I have helped a lot of users and helpers in these years. | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments. |
Nickname: | Primus |
Username: | Primus |
Hobbies: | To fish and to travel< |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
There is no special reason, just that Primus likes, like in real life also, to make a thing well done and if I have some spare time I give a hand to people in need of help in order to resolve their problems. | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments. |
Nickname: | c-wolf |
Username: | caninusLupus |
Hobbies: | Sports, PC, Math,Having fun |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I have had some other channels open, and I was bored to be passive, I wanted to learn something new and have the feeling of doing something :) | |
Other Comments: | |
PC never replaces a good book :) |
Nickname: | Chip |
Username: | Chip |
Hobbies: | Having fun with friends,helping people in real life and also on IRC |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
1. Passion to help in my free time 2. By helping on Undernet , you have the chance to learn for yourself a lot of things. Example: stay in #help and watch for questions/answers. |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments. |
Nickname: | ColdAsIce/ColdAs1ce |
Username: | coldas1ce |
Hobbies: | irc, mounting, getting laid |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
To be a big shot in front of my girlfriend, who left me because I was helping too much on | |
Other Comments: | |
Any female bawt free? |
Nickname: | CybeRocK |
Username: | Rocku |
Hobbies: | internet, beer, women :o) |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Because helpers were needed :o) and I enjoy helping the others. | |
Other Comments: | |
Don't choose the hard way because we'll always be there and do it the easy way |
Nickname: | Cyrux |
Username: | Cyrux |
Hobbies: | Sport, Computers, Trips longggg trips mountain |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I started helping because I had too much free time and it seemed something very interesting. I began to like it and I couldn't leave from the client of IRC, I even became dependent of this kind of things. | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments |
Nickname: | Dracon |
Username: | dracon |
Hobbies: | Cartoons, Programming (C/C++), going out |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Sincerely, kinda` hard to answer this one. I just like helping the others, which I also do in Real Life. | |
Other Comments: | |
I hate football! |
Nickname: | ElRuSsO |
Username: | ElRuSsO |
Hobbies: | Helping people, listen music, watching TV. |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Pomol and Sammy my friends in Undernet for a long time told me that, besides chatting, I could spend some time helping people on IRC also. From that moment I started helping. Since then we spoke of new projects for help in Spanish and English. When there are new projects I always get involved because I like to do what I do: To help people when they have problems of any type! | |
Other Comments: | |
Enjoy IRC ;) |
Nickname: | frozn |
Username: | frozn |
Hobbies: | Fishing, camping, working on and customizing and riding my bike, computers |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
The reason I started to help on Undernet was that when I first started there were a few good people that helped me out and helped me understand Undernet and IRC. Once I gained what I felt a good grasp of it I decided I should try to give back some of what was handed to me. | |
Other Comments: | |
Stand up for what is right, even if you are standing alone. |
Nickname: | FunX |
Username: | FunX |
Hobbies: | Music, IRC'ing, computers, girls ;))) |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I'm actually a very ambitious person, and I just wanted to prove myself that I can become, first a trainee within CService Committee and now official helper. And in general, helping is a very nice hobby and way of spending your free time ;) | |
Other Comments: | |
Smile & Be happy |
Nickname: | Gaia^ |
Username: | Secret :) |
Hobbies: | Reading, listening to music, people, pets |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I joined there looking for help. Liked what I saw, so I stayed and began to help as well. For over 6 years. | |
Other Comments: | |
If you have been helped by a help channel, why not give something back to others as a 'thank you'? :) |
Nickname: | intoit |
Username: | intoit |
Hobbies: | Firefighting and Paramedic. I am also a proumpire. |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I started helping in Undernet over 12 years ago. I started helping because I was offered help by some very special people and I wanted to give something back to IRC and Undernet. | |
Other Comments: | |
Wish it was like it was in past days. |
Nickname: | Jay`Z |
Username: | st3reo |
Hobbies: | Computers, chatting on IRC, listening to (rap) music, going to parties, driving my :)) |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Well I like to help mostly for fun. It's very nice to know that someone has learnt something new from you and by helping others you are constantly increasing your knowledge as well. | |
Other Comments: | |
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity :) |
Nickname: | KoGiTo |
Username: | KoGiTo |
Hobbies: | Music |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
First time when I joined #CService , a nice guy helped me to register an username. It was so c00l ; after few weeks , I started 'helping' :) Just and only for pleasure. Here I am - now :) | |
Other Comments: | |
Live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days, it will be. |
Nickname: | lemuel |
Username: | xpcspy |
Hobbies: | PC games and stuffs internet, basketball |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I started helping in Undernet because I find it interesting to help users in this big Network. It challenges me a lot and I learn lots of thing in terms of IRC stuff. Newbies out there always need help and I freely volunteer myself as one of those to help them. | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments. |
Nickname: | LuCkYaN |
Username: | Luckyan |
Hobbies: | PC, internet , girls |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Because I like to be helped if I need help.. I think some people appreciate my work.. so I help them. | |
Other Comments: | |
I lie very much... huh.. kidding.. what can I say.. i'm a pc maniac :) .. i LOVE him |
Nickname: | Mervin |
Username: | mervin |
Hobbies: | Pool, girls, football |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I like to do that... gives me always something to do | |
Other Comments: | |
Always in love |
Nickname: | Morfeo |
Username: | morfeo |
Hobbies: | Play voley and IRCing |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I started to help in Undernet because an ircop invited me :) and then,step by step, I started to like helping in Undernet :) | |
Other Comments: | |
I like helping with all kind of subjects |
Nickname: | mWx |
Username: | mwx |
Hobbies: | I like music and I like to travel also. |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I had first contact with IRC in the university (1998) and I have been present in help channels since 2000. I like to share my knowledge with other people. | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments. |
Nickname: | NetForce |
Username: | NetForce |
Hobbies: | Economics, History and Chemistry |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I don't really know, it just happened. | |
Other Comments: | |
Work hard, play hard, live hard. Then retire at 40. |
Nickname: | [Roster] |
Username: | roster |
Hobbies: | Since I have some important exams this year , my first "hobbie" ( for now ) it's *the school* . Other hobbies are Football , IRC and XxX ( a lot ) :-) |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Well , the basic and the most important reason why I started to help in Undernet it`s that i like helping people ;) Also , one of the other reasons why I started to help is that I hate lamers who think that they are "helpers" or such kind and lamerz who think that they *know* an IRCop or a CS Official | |
Other Comments: | |
No need , i guess :-) |
Nickname: | Simba-- |
Username: | simba |
Hobbies: | |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
After being on Undernet since 1995 as a user, I found helping newbies and giving my experience appealing. From this I feel I have given back to the undernet something. | |
Other Comments: | |
I am currently one of the maintainers of the Undernet website ( and also run the undernet forum ( ) |
Nickname: | Scombr0 |
Username: | Scombr0 |
Hobbies: | Swimming, cycling, running, computers and girls :p |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Because I like helping other users and I don't look for a "payback". I just like helping, that's all. I started to help my friends and then... other users and then I started in a help channel and here I am.. always learning something new :) | |
Other Comments: | |
Good luck :p |
Nickname: | sygate |
Username: | sigota |
Hobbies: | Smoking |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I started only for fun, to see what I can do for other people and now I love doing it... you get to know other people and you teach them what you know. | |
Other Comments: | |
For more info visit |
Nickname: | thee |
Username: | thee |
Hobbies: | Parties , Ladies , Pool , chess and Killing cows |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I was forced to. | |
Other Comments: | |
Please don't take me as an exemple , i'm simply HelplesS |
Nickname: | tomMytee |
Username: | Hytech |
Hobbies: | Basketball, Computer games, IRC related stuff and Rap music |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I started to help in Undernet, because Undernet is the only network that has nice and polite people, the help channels work smooth and because this network was my first contact with the "IRC world" | |
Other Comments: | |
Be polite when you enter a help channel and you will get the help/information that you need. |
Nickname: | TrUeNoS |
Username: | truenitos |
Hobbies: | Jelp, chat, going to parties, drinking beers, driving :) |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Because I was bored of not doing anything, and I started to help in the Spanish channel and I saw how many people needed help about IRC/General and when you help them, you always get a THANKS, and that is the most important thing. | |
Other Comments: | |
Don't spend too much time on IRC and live your real life! |
Nickname: | WeBCaT |
Username: | WeBCaT |
Hobbies: | Music, adventures and any kind of challenge. |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I always liked "to be there" for people, so I gave it a try on this virtual world too. No, not the same feeling, but still feels great knowing you were able to help, they smiled back and gave you nothing in change but a "thanks". That is more than enough (: | |
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Some think of it as a forward-back thing, you give to get, but sometimes the giving without receiving brings you the most good feelings. Try it and make sure you have tons of patience! |
Nickname: | Wolfyx |
Username: | Wolfyx |
Hobbies: | traveling, irc`ing, pool, going out with friends |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
I joined #cservice once because I needed some help with a command, got helped... and after that... I hung around a bit... I kinda liked seeing people help others... etc... and it seemed cool to help, so I guess I started assisting people myself, and here I am :) | |
Other Comments: | |
Don`t have any |
Nickname: | Xeno |
Username: | xeno |
Hobbies: | Swimming, tennis, multimedia, going out |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Coincidence I guess :) years ago, I think it was Laccc who helped me in #zt, and I asked how to become a helper. Then it all started :) | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments. |
Nickname: | xplora |
Username: | xplora |
Hobbies: | IRC, programming/coding, DVD's (small collection of about 80-100 movies and growing). |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
going back 8 years, I mentioned to someone I knew 99% of standard channel commands for X (and W then), and they invited me to start helping, I happen to be the kind of person that doesn't tend to just chat, I always feel the need to be doing something so helping out just worked. | |
Other Comments: | |
IRC is fun, I can't see anyone doing something that doesn't pay for 8 years, that they do not like. ;) |
Nickname: | YounGun |
Username: | YounGun |
Hobbies: | Basketball, IT, music, photo editing |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Because I want to make Undernet a better place. | |
Other Comments: | |
No other comments |
Nickname: | ZimaBlue |
Username: | zimablue |
Hobbies: | Music, Writing, kickboxing and of course IRC |
Why did you start helping in Undernet? | |
Because I was a young teenager and bored with no social life. That happened a lot it seems so the help channel kept me out of everyday 15yr old trouble. I guess I keep doing it as an adult, because I have grown to care about the network. | |
Other Comments: | |
I think we all try and remember this is IRC, it's a great place to learn, make friends world-wide and have fun. So relax, kick your shoes off and stay a while :) |