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Posted on 21st Apr 2020 01:15:48 in X, Channel Services
Dear users,
In addition to the below there are a number of other features that have yet to be enabled on the network but will be in the coming weeks and months. I'd like to concentrate for now on the new features that have been introduced today, October 23rd 2016.
- Two-factor authentication support for users (TOTP)
- Improved channel registration traffic checking (potentially speeding up channel registrations)
- Allow established users to register multiple channels (up to 3, based on username age)
- New users are now automatically registered with INVISIBLE=ON
- Usernames now expire after 180 days of inactivity (was 60 days)
- X will now send welcome messages and/or set channel topics upon new channel registrations
- X now shows channel registration application status in CHANINFO command
- X sets AUTOJOIN (and joins) channel automatically on new registration
- X immediately auto-ops itself when joining channel
- X now processes channel flags (NOOP, STRICTOP) and user access suspensions when it rejoins a channel and acts accordingly
- X now has a fun 'StarWars' (SW) language
- X now has NOTAKE channel setting (lvl 500) to prevent users from setting bans which hit all channel users. TAKEREVENGE options include 'IGNORE', 'BAN', and 'SUSPEND'
- X now notifies channel managers when userlist access is changed in their channels
- X now notifies users when they have access added, modified, or removed from channels
- X now notifies channel registration applicants when their application has changed state
- X now notifies channel registration supporters on incoming channel application
- X now automatically deops users who get suspended in a channel with a suspend level of >=100
- X maximum ban reason length increased to 300 chars (from 128)
- X maximum ban duration parsing increased to 365 days (from 100) and new value of 0 allowed for permanent bans
- X maximum URL length increased to 128 chars (from 75)
- X maximum channel description length increased to 380 chars (from 80)
- X now allows 500 bans per channel (from 300)
- X channel user suspensions can now have an optional reason applied
- X now has AUTOMODE protection on users who do not have sufficient access for the automatic mode (OP or VOICE)
- X's HELP topics already reflect the new changes. New website documentation and User-Com classes will be created and tailored to suit based on the feedback we receive over the coming days and weeks.
Cservice and Coder-com would like to credit the following people:
Seven -- For the 95% of what we're announcing today. What can I say.. you've done amazing work!
MrBean, Hidden, and Ratler -- For coding support in various forms with these new additions.
WildMan -- Your methodical testing was exactly what I needed, and with the passion to boot.
chalcedony -- For her efforts recruiting people to assist with testing on our testnet.
All those who gave us some time to help test... Indian, spider, sony, proto, Rusteaux, and all the others over that long period.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or even general feedback-- please direct them to #cservice. Any bug reports (eek!) should go to bugs@undernet.org.
Stay tuned for more updates, we have more great stuff to announce soon (including IPv6!) :>
Regards, -Empus